II: Appending, joining, & reshaping data

R Code

  • So far, we have only worked with single data files: we read in a file, wrangled our data, and, sometimes, outputted a new file.
  • But very often, a key aspect of the data wrangling workflow is to combine more than one data set together. This may include;
    • appending new rows to an existing data frame in memory
    • joining two data sets together using a common key value found in both.
  • As part of this, we often will need to;
    • reshape our data, pivoting from wide to long form (or vice versa).
  • We’ll go through each individually below.


  • The data for today’s lesson is all in your data/sch-test folder
    • It should look something like this:
|__ data/
    |-- ...
    |__ sch_test/
        |-- all_schools.csv
        |-- all_schools_wide.csv
        |__ by_school/
            |-- bend_gate_1980.csv
            |-- bend_gate_1981.csv
            |-- spottsville_1985.csv
  • These fake data represent test scores across three subjects — math, reading, and science — across four schools over six years.
  • Each school has a file for each year in the by_school subdirectory.
  • The two files in sch_test directory, all_schools.csv and all_schools_wide.csv, combine the individual files but in different formats.
    • We’ll use these data sets to practice appending, joining, and reshaping.


As always, we begin by reading in the tidyverse library.

## ---------------------------
## libraries
## ---------------------------

  • As we did in the past lesson, we will run this script assuming that our working directory is set to the project folder

Appending data

  • Our first task is the most straightforward. When appending data, we simply add similarly structured rows to an exiting data frame.
  • What do I mean by similarly structured? Imagine you have a data frame that looks like this:
id year score
A 2020 98
B 2020 95
C 2020 85
D 2020 94
  • Now, assume you are given data that look like this:
id year score
E 2020 99
F 2020 90
  • These data are similarly structured: same column names in the same order. If we know that the data came from the same process (e.g., ids represent students in the same classroom with each file representing a different test day), then we can safely append the second to the first:
id year score
A 2020 98
B 2020 95
C 2020 85
D 2020 94
E 2020 99
F 2020 90
  • Data that are the result of the exact same data collecting process across locations or time may be appended. In education research, administrative data are often recorded each term or year, meaning you can build a panel data set by appending. The NCES IPEDS data files generally work like this
    • Note on IPEDS: Some of the variables have changed over time, one of the most notable being enrollment data between 2001 and 2002, so always check your dictionary!
  • However, it’s incumbent upon you as the researcher to understand your data. Just because you are able to append (R will try to make it work for you) doesn’t mean you always should.
    • What if the score column in our data weren’t on the same scale?
    • What if the test date mattered but isn’t included in the file?
    • What if the files actually represent scores from different grades or schools?
  • It’s possible that we can account for each of these issues as we clean our data, but it won’t happen automatically — append with care!


Let’s practice with an example. First, we’ll read in three data files from the by_school directory.

## ---------------------------
## input
## ---------------------------

## read in data, storing in df_*, where * is a unique number
df_1 <- read_csv(file.path("data", "sch-test", "by-school", "bend-gate-1980.csv"))
df_2 <- read_csv(file.path("data", "sch-test", "by-school", "bend-gate-1981.csv"))
df_3 <- read_csv(file.path("data", "sch-test", "by-school", "bend-gate-1982.csv"))
  • Looking at each, we can see that they are similarly structured, with the following columns in the same order: school, year, math, read, science:
## ---------------------------
## process
## ---------------------------

## show each
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  school     year  math  read science
  <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Bend Gate  1980   515   281     808
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  school     year  math  read science
  <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Bend Gate  1981   503   312     814
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  school     year  math  read science
  <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Bend Gate  1982   514   316     816

From the dplyr library, we use the bind_rows() function to append the second and third data frames to the first.

## append files
df <- bind_rows(df_1, df_2, df_3)

## show
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  school     year  math  read science
  <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Bend Gate  1980   515   281     808
2 Bend Gate  1981   503   312     814
3 Bend Gate  1982   514   316     816
  • That’s it!

Quick exercise

Read in the rest of the files for Bend Gate and append them to the current data frame.

Quick exercise: Take Two

If bind_rows() stacks tables on top of each other, what do you think would stack them side-by-side? Copy the below code and try to figure how to get them back together

df_split_left <- df[,1:2]
df_split_right <- df[,3:5]

# A tibble: 3 × 2
  school     year
  <chr>     <dbl>
1 Bend Gate  1980
2 Bend Gate  1981
3 Bend Gate  1982
# A tibble: 3 × 3
   math  read science
  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1   515   281     808
2   503   312     814
3   514   316     816
## Append them back together side-by-side

Joining data

  • More often than appending your data files, however, you will need to merge or join them.
  • With a join, you add to your data frame new columns (new variables) that come from a second data frame.
  • The key difference between joining and appending is that a join requires a key, that is, a variable or index common to each data frame that uniquely identifies observations.
    • It’s this key that’s used to line everything up.

For example, say you have these two data sets,

id sch year score
A 1 2020 98
B 1 2020 95
C 2 2020 85
D 3 2020 94
sch type
1 elementary
2 middle
3 high
  • You want to add the school type to the first data set.
  • You can do this because you have a common key between each set: sch.
  1. Add a column to the first data frame called type
  2. Fill in each row of the new column with the type value that corresponds to the matching sch value in both data frames:
    • sch == 1 --> elementary
    • sch == 2 --> middle
    • sch == 3 --> high

The end result would then look like this:

id sch year score type
A 1 2020 98 elementary
B 1 2020 95 elementary
C 2 2020 85 middle
D 3 2020 94 high


  • A common join task in education research involves adding group-level aggregate statistics to individual observations, for example;
    • adding school-level average test scores to each student’s row.
    • With a panel data set (observations across time), we might want within-year averages added to each unit-by-time period row.
  • Let’s do the second, adding within-year across school average test scores to each school-by-year observation.
## ---------------------------
## input
## ---------------------------

## read in all_schools data
df <- read_csv(file.path("data", "sch-test", "all-schools.csv"))
  • Looking at the data, we see that it’s similar to what we’ve seen above, with additional schools.
## show
# A tibble: 24 × 5
   school        year  math  read science
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795
# ℹ 14 more rows

Our task is two-fold:

  1. Get the average of each test score (math, reading, science) across all schools within each year and save the summary data frame in an object.
  2. Join the new summary data frame to the original data frame.

1. Get summary

## ---------------------------
## process
## ---------------------------

## get test score summary 
df_sum <- df |>
    ## grouping by year so average within each year
    group_by(year) |>
    ## get mean(<score>) for each test
    summarize(math_m = mean(math),
              read_m = mean(read),
              science_m = mean(science))

## show
# A tibble: 6 × 4
   year math_m read_m science_m
  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
1  1980   507    295.      798.
2  1981   496.   293.      788.
3  1982   506    302.      802.
4  1983   500    293.      794.
5  1984   490    300.      792.
6  1985   500.   290.      794.

Quick exercise

Thinking ahead, why do you think we created new names for the summarized columns? Why the _m ending?

2. Join

  • While one can merge using base R, dplyr uses the SQL language of joins,

    • This can be conceptually clearer (particularly for those who already have experience with relational database structures).
    • We will learn more about SQL in Data Wrangling IV
  • Here are the most common joins you will use:

  • left_join(x, y): keep all x, drop unmatched y

  • right_join(x, y): keep all y, drop unmatched x

  • inner_join(x, y): keep only matching

  • full_join(x, y): keep everything

  • anti_join(x, y): keep only obs in x and that are not in y (more useful than you’d think)

  • For example, the result of a left join between data frame X and data frame Y will include all observations in X and those in Y that are also in X.


id col_A col_B
001 a 1
002 b 2
003 a 3


id col_C col_D
001 T 9
002 T 9
004 F 9

XY (result of left join)

id col_A col_B col_C col_D
001 a 1 T 9
002 b 2 T 9
003 a 3 NA NA
  • Observations in both X and Y (001 and 002, above), will have data for the columns that were separately in X and Y before.
  • Those in X only (003), will have missing values in the new columns that came from Y because they didn’t exist there.
  • Observations in Y but not X (004) are dropped entirely.

Back to our example…

  • Since we want to join a smaller aggregated data frame, df_sum, to the original data frame, df, we’ll use a left_join().
    • The join functions will try to guess the joining variable (and tell you what it picked) if you don’t supply one, but we’ll specify one to be clear.
## start with data frame...
df_joined <- df |>
    ## pipe into left_join to join with df_sum using "year" as key
    left_join(df_sum, by = "year")

## show
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   school        year  math  read science math_m read_m science_m
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808   507    295.      798.
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814   496.   293.      788.
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816   506    302.      802.
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793   500    293.      794.
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788   490    300.      792.
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789   500.   290.      794.
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782   507    295.      798.
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813   496.   293.      788.
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818   506    302.      802.
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795   500    293.      794.
# ℹ 14 more rows

Quick exercise

Look at the first 10 rows of df_joined. What do you notice about the new summary columns we added?

Matt’s Re-Explanation of Joining (Updated Feb 1 2024)

  • Following a productive conversation in my office hours, I wanted to re-explain joining in a way I think is a little clearer than explanation above. Hopefully this helps some of you!
  • All _join() functions takes three main “arguments” and they have always the same meaning
    • x data one, a.k.a. the “left” data
    • y data two, a.k.a. the “right” data
    • by the variables to use as a “key”

“left” and “right” just mean x and y

  • The left in left_join() simply means “start with x data and join y data into it”
    • It doesn’t have anything to do with being physically on the left
  • If it helps, think of left_join() as the x join
## We can be overly specific to make the point
left_join(x = df,
          y = df_sum,
          by = "year")
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   school        year  math  read science math_m read_m science_m
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808   507    295.      798.
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814   496.   293.      788.
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816   506    302.      802.
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793   500    293.      794.
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788   490    300.      792.
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789   500.   290.      794.
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782   507    295.      798.
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813   496.   293.      788.
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818   506    302.      802.
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795   500    293.      794.
# ℹ 14 more rows
Using the |> pipe
  • Now, if you remember from Data Wrangling I, the |> makes R code more intuitive by “piping” one thing into the next
    • This makes things simpler 99% of the time (no one wants to be writing nested code)
    • But in this case it takes a second to get your head around
  • By default, the pipe |> will always go into the first “argument” of a function, which in this case, is x
    • We can always specify where it should go with an _ underscore
## Therefore 
left_join(x = df,
          y = df_sum,
          by = "year")
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   school        year  math  read science math_m read_m science_m
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808   507    295.      798.
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814   496.   293.      788.
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816   506    302.      802.
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793   500    293.      794.
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788   490    300.      792.
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789   500.   290.      794.
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782   507    295.      798.
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813   496.   293.      788.
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818   506    302.      802.
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795   500    293.      794.
# ℹ 14 more rows
## Is exactly the same as
df |>
  left_join(x = _, ## If it helps to visualize, the _ is where the |> will go
            y = df_sum,
            by = "year")
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   school        year  math  read science math_m read_m science_m
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808   507    295.      798.
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814   496.   293.      788.
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816   506    302.      802.
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793   500    293.      794.
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788   490    300.      792.
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789   500.   290.      794.
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782   507    295.      798.
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813   496.   293.      788.
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818   506    302.      802.
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795   500    293.      794.
# ℹ 14 more rows
## Is exactly the same as
df |>
            by = "year")
# A tibble: 24 × 8
   school        year  math  read science math_m read_m science_m
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808   507    295.      798.
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814   496.   293.      788.
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816   506    302.      802.
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793   500    293.      794.
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788   490    300.      792.
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789   500.   290.      794.
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782   507    295.      798.
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813   496.   293.      788.
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818   506    302.      802.
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795   500    293.      794.
# ℹ 14 more rows
  • You can write joins whichever way you want (piped or not-piped)
    • Eventually, you will find piped is easier and more-efficient, but focus on whichever way makes more sense to you for now
## Note: if we want to keep the joined data, we should assign it to df_join
df_join <- df |>
            by = "year")


  • Whichever type of _join you are doing, the by argument is just how x and y are being matched up
    • by has to be at least one variable that is in both x and y and identifies the same observation
      • e.g., by = "school_id"
      • Most often this will be some kind of identifying variable (student ID, school ID, city, state, region, etc.)
    • If have more than one piece of information to match on, such as school and year, we can specify that with c()
      • e.g., by = c("school_id", "year")
      • This will then find information for each school in each year, and join it in correctly
  • If you don’t provide any by arguments, R will try to be smart and look for columns names that are the same in both data sets
    • This can lead to incorrect joins though, so always best to specify
  • Lastly, if you need to join by columns that have different names in each data set use c("name in df_1" = "name in df_2")
    • e.g., by = c("student_id" = "id_number")

_join summary

  • Joining data is one of the most important tasks in educational research
    • IPEDS Complete Data Files are the perfect example, within each year all the data is stored in separate files that need joining
      • Remember the same IPEDS files for different years need bind_rows() once you add a year identifier
  • It takes a while to get your head around, but if you can do it properly, you are well on the way to mastering data wrangling!

Reshaping data

  • Reshaping data is a common and important data wrangling task.
  • Whether going from wide to long format or long to wide, it can be a painful process.
    • But with a little practice, the ability to reshape data will become a powerful tool in your toolbox.


  • While there are various definitions of tabular data structure, the two you will most often come across are wide and long.
    • Wide data are data structures in which all variable/values are columns.
      • At the extreme end, every id will only have a single row:
id math_score_2019 read_score_2019 math_score_2020 read_score_2020
A 93 88 92 98
B 99 92 97 95
C 89 88 84 85
  • Notice how each particular score (by year) has its own column?
    • Compare this to long data in which each observational unit (id test score within a given year) will have a row:
id year test score
A 2019 math 93
A 2019 read 88
A 2020 math 92
A 2020 read 98
B 2019 math 99
B 2019 read 92
B 2020 math 97
B 2020 read 95
C 2019 math 89
C 2019 read 88
C 2020 math 84
C 2020 read 85
  • The first wide and second long table present the same information in a different format.
    • So why bother reshaping?
      • The short answer is that you sometimes need one format and sometimes the other due to the demands of the analysis you want to run, the figure you want to plot, or the table you want to make.

Note: Data in the wild are often some combination of these two types: wide-ish or long-ish. For an example, see our all-schools.csv data below, which is wide in some variables (test), but long in others (year). The point of defining long vs wide is not to have a testable definition, but rather to have a framework for thinking about how your data are structured and if that structure will work for your data analysis needs.

Example: wide –> long

To start, we’ll go back to the all_schools.csv file.

## ---------------------------
## input
## ---------------------------

## reading again just to be sure we have the original data
df <- read_csv(file.path("data", "sch-test", "all-schools.csv"))
  • Notice how the data are wide in test:
    • Each school has one row per year, but each test gets its own column.
    • While this setup can be efficient for storage, it’s not always the best for analysis or even just browsing.
      • What we want is for the data to be long.
  • Instead of each test having its own column, we would like to make the data look like our long data example above, with each row representing a single school, year, test, score:
school year test score
Bend Gate 1980 math 515
Bend Gate 1980 read 281
Bend Gate 1980 science 808


The pivot_longer() function can take a number of arguments, but the core things it needs to know are:

  • data: the name of the data frame you’re reshaping (we can use |> to pipe in the data name)

  • cols: the names of the columns that you want to pivot into values of a single new column (thereby making the data frame “longer”)

  • names_to: the name of the new column that will contain the names of the cols you just listed

  • values_to: the name of the column where the values in the cols you listed will go

  • In our current situation, our cols to pivot are "math", "read", and "science".

    • Since they are test types, we’ll call our names_to column "test" and our values_to column "score".
## ---------------------------
## process
## ---------------------------

## wide to long
df_long <- df |>
    ## cols: current test columns
    ## names_to: where "math", "read", and "science" will go
    ## values_to: where the values in cols will go
    pivot_longer(cols = c("math","read","science"),
                 names_to = "test",
                 values_to = "score")

## show
# A tibble: 72 × 4
   school     year test    score
   <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate  1980 math      515
 2 Bend Gate  1980 read      281
 3 Bend Gate  1980 science   808
 4 Bend Gate  1981 math      503
 5 Bend Gate  1981 read      312
 6 Bend Gate  1981 science   814
 7 Bend Gate  1982 math      514
 8 Bend Gate  1982 read      316
 9 Bend Gate  1982 science   816
10 Bend Gate  1983 math      491
# ℹ 62 more rows

Quick (ocular test) exercise

How many rows did our initial data frame df have? How many unique tests did we have in each year? When reshaping from wide to long, how many rows should we expect our new data frame to have? Does our new data frame have that many rows?

Example: long –> wide


  • Now that we have our long data, let’s reshape it back to wide format using pivot_wider(). In this case, we’re doing just the opposite from before — here are the main arguments you need to attend to:

  • data: the name of the data frame you’re reshaping (we can use |> to pipe in the data name)

  • names_from: the name of the column that contains the values which will become new column names

  • values_from: the name of the column that contains the values associated with the values in names_from column; these will go into the new columns.

## ---------------------------
## process
## ---------------------------

## long to wide
df_wide <- df_long |>
    ## names_from: values in this column will become new column names
    ## values_from: values in this column will become values in new cols
    pivot_wider(names_from = "test",
                values_from = "score")

## show
# A tibble: 24 × 5
   school        year  math  read science
   <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate     1980   515   281     808
 2 Bend Gate     1981   503   312     814
 3 Bend Gate     1982   514   316     816
 4 Bend Gate     1983   491   276     793
 5 Bend Gate     1984   502   310     788
 6 Bend Gate     1985   488   280     789
 7 East Heights  1980   501   318     782
 8 East Heights  1981   487   323     813
 9 East Heights  1982   496   294     818
10 East Heights  1983   497   306     795
# ℹ 14 more rows

pivot_()-ing with separation

  • Unfortunately, it’s not always so clear cut to reshape data.
  • In this second example, we’ll again reshape from wide to long, but with an extra argument that helps when there’s more than one piece of information in the variable name

First, we’ll read in a second file all_schools_wide.csv - This file contains the same information as before, but in a very wide format

## ---------------------------
## input
## ---------------------------

## read in very wide test score data
df <- read_csv(file.path("data", "sch-test", "all-schools-wide.csv"))

## show
# A tibble: 4 × 19
  school       math_1980 read_1980 science_1980 math_1981 read_1981 science_1981
  <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>
1 Bend Gate          515       281          808       503       312          814
2 East Heights       501       318          782       487       323          813
3 Niagara            514       292          787       499       268          762
4 Spottsville        498       288          813       494       270          765
# ℹ 12 more variables: math_1982 <dbl>, read_1982 <dbl>, science_1982 <dbl>,
#   math_1983 <dbl>, read_1983 <dbl>, science_1983 <dbl>, math_1984 <dbl>,
#   read_1984 <dbl>, science_1984 <dbl>, math_1985 <dbl>, read_1985 <dbl>,
#   science_1985 <dbl>

You see, each school has only one row and each test by year value gets its own column in the form <test>_<year>.

  • We will use pivot_longer() just as we did before
    • But instead of one column for names_to we use our friend c() to list two columns we want the information from column name to go to
    • Then, we add names_sep = "_", which means separate the information from the names at every underscore
      • I.e., this will put everything before the underscore in the first column test and everything after into the second column year
## ---------------------------
## process
## ---------------------------

## wide to long
df_long <- df |>
    ## NB: contains() looks for "19" in name: if there, it adds it to cols
    pivot_longer(cols = contains("19"),
                 names_to = c("test", "year"),
                 names_sep = "_",
                 values_to = "score")

## show
# A tibble: 72 × 4
   school    test    year  score
   <chr>     <chr>   <chr> <dbl>
 1 Bend Gate math    1980    515
 2 Bend Gate read    1980    281
 3 Bend Gate science 1980    808
 4 Bend Gate math    1981    503
 5 Bend Gate read    1981    312
 6 Bend Gate science 1981    814
 7 Bend Gate math    1982    514
 8 Bend Gate read    1982    316
 9 Bend Gate science 1982    816
10 Bend Gate math    1983    491
# ℹ 62 more rows

Quick exercise(s)

  1. What do you think we’d need to change if the column name had 3 pieces of information all separated by an underscore?
  2. What about if the information was separated by a . period?
  • Now, if we want to get our data back in to extra long form, we can use a very similar argument in pivot_wider()
    • We just use c() to say get the name information from two columns
    • names_sep = "_" is identical to before, but this time it’s saying to place and underscore as the separator
## ---------------------------
## process
## ---------------------------

## wide to long
df_wide <- df_long |>
    pivot_wider(values_from = score,
                names_from = c(test, year),
                names_sep = "_")

## show
# A tibble: 4 × 19
  school       math_1980 read_1980 science_1980 math_1981 read_1981 science_1981
  <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>
1 Bend Gate          515       281          808       503       312          814
2 East Heights       501       318          782       487       323          813
3 Niagara            514       292          787       499       268          762
4 Spottsville        498       288          813       494       270          765
# ℹ 12 more variables: math_1982 <dbl>, read_1982 <dbl>, science_1982 <dbl>,
#   math_1983 <dbl>, read_1983 <dbl>, science_1983 <dbl>, math_1984 <dbl>,
#   read_1984 <dbl>, science_1984 <dbl>, math_1985 <dbl>, read_1985 <dbl>,
#   science_1985 <dbl>

Final note

  • Just as all data sets are unique, so too are the particular steps you may need to take to append, join, or reshape your data.
    • Even experienced coders rarely get all the steps correct the first try.
    • Be prepared to spend time getting to know your data and figuring out, through trial and error, how to wrangle it so that it meets your analytic needs.
    • Code books, institutional/domain knowledge, and patience are your friends here!
  • Using the hsls-small.csv data set and the online codebook, answer the following questions.
    • Throughout, you should account for missing values by dropping them.


  1. If you want a challenge, do this all in one chained pipe, otherwise save step i output then pipe steps ii-iv;
  1. Compute the average test score by region
  2. Join back into the full data frame.
  3. Compute the difference between each student’s test score and that of the region.
  4. Finally, show the mean of these differences by region

Hint: if you think about it, this should probably be a very very small number…

  1. Compute the average test score by region and family income level and join it back to the full data frame.

Hint: You can join on more than one key using c().

  1. Select the following variables from the full data set
- `stu_id`
- `x1stuedexpct`
- `x1paredexpct`
- `x4evratndclg`  
  1. From this reduced data frame, reshape the data frame so that it is long in educational expectations - As in, each observation should have two rows, one for each educational expectation type

e.g. (your column names and values may be different)

stu_id expect_type expectation x4evratndclg
0001 x1stuedexpct 6 1
0001 x1paredexpct 7 1
0002 x1stuedexpct 5 1
0002 x1paredexpct 5 1

Once complete, turn in the .R script (no data etc.) to Canvas by the due date (Sunday 11:59pm following the lesson). Assignments will be graded on the following Monday (time permitting) in line with the grading policy outlined in the syllabus.



## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
##' [PROJ: EDH 7916]
##' [FILE: Data Wrangling II Solution]
##' [INIT: Jan 31 2024]
##' [AUTH: Matt Capaldi] @ttalVlatt
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


## ---------------------------
##' [Libraries]
## ---------------------------


## ---------------------------
##' [Input]
## ---------------------------

df <- read_csv(file.path("data", "hsls-small.csv"))

## ---------------------------
##' [Q1]
## ---------------------------

df_q1 <- df |>
  filter(x1txmtscor != -8)

## Easier way

df_sum <- df_q1 |>
  group_by(x1region) |>
  summarize(reg_mean_test = mean(x1txmtscor))

df_q1 |>
  left_join(df_sum, by = "x1region") |>
  mutate(diff = x1txmtscor - reg_mean_test) |>
  group_by(x1region) |>
  summarize(reg_diffs = mean(diff))

## All in one

df_q1 |>
  group_by(x1region) |>
  summarize(reg_mean_test = mean(x1txmtscor)) |>
  ## output is summary, which we want to be the "right" or "y" of the join
  left_join(x = df_q1, by = "x1region") |>
  ## so we specify x = df (original) leaving y open for the piped summary
  mutate(diff = x1txmtscor - reg_mean_test) |>
  group_by(x1region) |>
  summarize(reg_diffs = mean(diff))

## ---------------------------
##' [Q2]
## ---------------------------

df_q2 <- df |>
  filter(x1txmtscor != -8,
         !x1famincome %in% c(-8, -9))

## Easier way

df_sum <- df_q2 |>
  group_by(x1region, x1famincome) |>
  summarize(reg_inc_mean_test = mean(x1txmtscor))

df_q2_easy <- df_q2 |>
  left_join(df_sum, by = c("x1region", "x1famincome"))

## All in one

df_q2_piped <- df_q2 |>
  group_by(x1region, x1famincome) |>
  summarize(reg_inc_mean_test = mean(x1txmtscor)) |>
  left_join(x = df_q2, by = c("x1region", "x1famincome"))

all.equal(df_q2_easy, df_q2_piped)

## ---------------------------
##' [Q3]
## ---------------------------

df_long <- df |>
  select(stu_id, x1paredexpct, x1stuedexpct, x4evratndclg) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = c(x1paredexpct, x1stuedexpct),
               names_to = "exp_type",
               values_to = "exp_value")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Now, let’s look at a more realistic example when we would use these skills for data analysis
  • Let’s say we want to explore difference in international student enrollment at the undergraduate vs graduate level and if that varies by region of the US
  • For this, we are going to use two IPEDS data sets HD2022 and EFFY2022
    • Note: These data sets are not in your class repository (intentionally), so we have to go and download them from the IPEDS Data Center
data_info <- read_csv("data/hd2022.csv")
data_enroll <- read_csv("data/effy2022.csv")
  • Let’s take a look at these data one by one
# A tibble: 6,256 × 73
    <dbl> <chr>      <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>   
 1 100654 Alabama A… AAMU   4900… Norm… AL     35762     1      5 Dr. … Preside…
 2 100663 Universit… UAB    Admi… Birm… AL     3529…     1      5 Ray … Preside…
 3 100690 Amridge U… South… 1200… Mont… AL     3611…     1      5 Mich… Preside…
 4 100706 Universit… UAH  … 301 … Hunt… AL     35899     1      5 Chuc… Preside…
 5 100724 Alabama S… <NA>   915 … Mont… AL     3610…     1      5 Quin… Preside…
 6 100733 Universit… <NA>   500 … Tusc… AL     35401     1      5 Fini… Chancel…
 7 100751 The Unive… <NA>   739 … Tusc… AL     3548…     1      5 Dr. … Preside…
 8 100760 Central A… <NA>   1675… Alex… AL     35010     1      5 Jeff… Preside…
 9 100812 Athens St… <NA>   300 … Athe… AL     35611     1      5 Dr. … Interim…
10 100830 Auburn Un… AUM||… 7440… Mont… AL     3611…     1      5 Carl… Chancel…
# ℹ 6,246 more rows
# ℹ 62 more variables: GENTELE <dbl>, EIN <chr>, UEIS <chr>, OPEID <chr>,
#   OPEFLAG <dbl>, WEBADDR <chr>, ADMINURL <chr>, FAIDURL <chr>, APPLURL <chr>,
#   NPRICURL <chr>, VETURL <chr>, ATHURL <chr>, DISAURL <chr>, SECTOR <dbl>,
#   ICLEVEL <dbl>, CONTROL <dbl>, HLOFFER <dbl>, UGOFFER <dbl>, GROFFER <dbl>,
#   HDEGOFR1 <dbl>, DEGGRANT <dbl>, HBCU <dbl>, HOSPITAL <dbl>, MEDICAL <dbl>,
#   TRIBAL <dbl>, LOCALE <dbl>, OPENPUBL <dbl>, ACT <chr>, NEWID <dbl>, …
  • Okay, this looks simple enough, we see one row per institution followed by a bunch of descriptive variables
  • Let’s look at our enrollment data
# A tibble: 117,521 × 72
    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   
 1 100654        1       1    999 R            6681 R            2666 R       
 2 100654        2       2      1 R            5663 R            2337 R       
 3 100654        3      -2      1 R            5621 R            2323 R       
 4 100654        4      -2      1 R            1680 R             722 R       
 5 100654        5      -2      1 R            3941 R            1601 R       
 6 100654       11      -2      1 R              42 R              14 R       
 7 100654       12       4      3 R            1018 R             329 R       
 8 100654       19      -2      1 R             361 R             177 R       
 9 100654       20      -2      1 R            3580 R            1424 R       
10 100654       21      -2    999 R            5460 R            2169 R       
# ℹ 117,511 more rows
# ℹ 63 more variables: EFYTOTLW <dbl>, XEFYAIAT <chr>, EFYAIANT <dbl>,
#   XEFYAIAM <chr>, EFYAIANM <dbl>, XEFYAIAW <chr>, EFYAIANW <dbl>,
#   XEFYASIT <chr>, EFYASIAT <dbl>, XEFYASIM <chr>, EFYASIAM <dbl>,
#   XEFYASIW <chr>, EFYASIAW <dbl>, XEFYBKAT <chr>, EFYBKAAT <dbl>,
#   XEFYBKAM <chr>, EFYBKAAM <dbl>, XEFYBKAW <chr>, EFYBKAAW <dbl>,
#   XEFYHIST <chr>, EFYHISPT <dbl>, XEFYHISM <chr>, EFYHISPM <dbl>, …
  • Hmm, so this data definitely appears to be “long” as we see those first 10 rows are all for 100654
    • Based on visual inspection, it seems like EFFYALEV and EFFYLEV might be what is making the data “long” for two reasons
      • First, look at the values, they seem seem to increasing in some kind of pattern
      • Second, it’s common practice to keep the “long” variables at the start, especially in larger published data like this
    • This is where we want to look through the code book to explore what those variables might mean

Quick Exercise

  • To practice this, let’s go to the IPEDS Data Center and find the dictionary for EFFY2022
    • Tip: For IPEDS dictionary files, the “frequencies” tab is where you’ll find out what numbers that represent something mean
  • Okay, so what so EFFYALEV and EFFYLEV mean?
  • Think back to our research question, what’s the ratio of international students at the undergraduate vs graduate level?
    • Based on the code book, what do you think we need to do now?
  • EFFYALEV is probably more detail than we need for our question, EFFYLEV has everything we need

    • To make our life simpler, let’s reduce our data down a little to just the variables we want with select()
data_enroll <- data_enroll |>

# A tibble: 117,521 × 4
    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 100654       1     6681      104
 2 100654       2     5663       53
 3 100654      -2     5621       53
 4 100654      -2     1680       12
 5 100654      -2     3941       41
 6 100654      -2       42        0
 7 100654       4     1018       51
 8 100654      -2      361       10
 9 100654      -2     3580       31
10 100654      -2     5460       95
# ℹ 117,511 more rows
  • Next, let’s reduce our data down to just the two rows containing undergraduate and graduate enrollments
data_enroll <- data_enroll |>
  filter(EFFYLEV %in% c(2,4))
# A tibble: 7,817 × 4
    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 100654       2     5663       53
 2 100654       4     1018       51
 3 100663       2    15360      415
 4 100663       4    10603     1047
 5 100690       2      351        0
 6 100690       4      565        0
 7 100706       2     8536      187
 8 100706       4     2606      234
 9 100724       2     3899       60
10 100724       4      526        8
# ℹ 7,807 more rows
  • Okay, this is starting to look more manageable, right?

  • What do we need to do next to be able to compare across levels of study or institutions?

data_enroll <- data_enroll |>
  mutate(perc_intl = EFYNRALT/EFYTOTLT*100) |>
  select(-EFYTOTLT, -EFYNRALT) # - in select means drop this variable

# A tibble: 7,817 × 3
   UNITID EFFYLEV perc_intl
    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 100654       2     0.936
 2 100654       4     5.01 
 3 100663       2     2.70 
 4 100663       4     9.87 
 5 100690       2     0    
 6 100690       4     0    
 7 100706       2     2.19 
 8 100706       4     8.98 
 9 100724       2     1.54 
10 100724       4     1.52 
# ℹ 7,807 more rows
  • Now, we want to find the difference between the undergraduate and graduate enrollment levels, which should be pretty simple math right? We just need to subtract the percentages from each other

    • Can we easily do that right now? If not, what do we need to do?
data_enroll <- data_enroll |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = EFFYLEV,
              values_from = perc_intl,
              names_prefix = "perc_intl_")

# A tibble: 6,036 × 3
   UNITID perc_intl_2 perc_intl_4
    <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 100654      0.936         5.01
 2 100663      2.70          9.87
 3 100690      0             0   
 4 100706      2.19          8.98
 5 100724      1.54          1.52
 6 100751      1.62         10.7 
 7 100760      0.406        NA   
 8 100812      0.0577        0   
 9 100830      4.32         37.5 
10 100858      4.42         17.7 
# ℹ 6,026 more rows
  • Now is our calculation much easier to make?
data_enroll <- data_enroll |>
  mutate(perc_intl_diff = perc_intl_2 - perc_intl_4)

# A tibble: 6,036 × 4
   UNITID perc_intl_2 perc_intl_4 perc_intl_diff
    <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>          <dbl>
 1 100654      0.936         5.01        -4.07  
 2 100663      2.70          9.87        -7.17  
 3 100690      0             0            0     
 4 100706      2.19          8.98        -6.79  
 5 100724      1.54          1.52         0.0179
 6 100751      1.62         10.7         -9.04  
 7 100760      0.406        NA           NA     
 8 100812      0.0577        0            0.0577
 9 100830      4.32         37.5        -33.2   
10 100858      4.42         17.7        -13.3   
# ℹ 6,026 more rows
  • How do we interpret our new variable?

  • Let’s get some basic summary statistics

data_enroll |>
  drop_na() |>
  summarize(mean = mean(perc_intl_diff),
            min = min(perc_intl_diff),
            max = max(perc_intl_diff))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
   mean   min   max
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 -3.84 -96.8  41.5
  • Lastly, let’s see if this trend varies by private vs public institutions

  • What do we need to do to see that?

data_info <- data_info |>

data_joined <- left_join(data_enroll, data_info, by = "UNITID")

# A tibble: 6,036 × 5
   UNITID perc_intl_2 perc_intl_4 perc_intl_diff CONTROL
    <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>          <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 100654      0.936         5.01        -4.07         1
 2 100663      2.70          9.87        -7.17         1
 3 100690      0             0            0            2
 4 100706      2.19          8.98        -6.79         1
 5 100724      1.54          1.52         0.0179       1
 6 100751      1.62         10.7         -9.04         1
 7 100760      0.406        NA           NA            1
 8 100812      0.0577        0            0.0577       1
 9 100830      4.32         37.5        -33.2          1
10 100858      4.42         17.7        -13.3          1
# ℹ 6,026 more rows
  • Looks like we have what we need, so let’s see if the mean varies by institutional control
data_joined |>
  group_by(CONTROL) |>
  drop_na() |>
  summarize(mean = mean(perc_intl_diff))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  CONTROL  mean
    <dbl> <dbl>
1       1 -5.84
2       2 -2.63
3       3 -4.94

Quick Exercise

Using the data dictionary if necessary, find if our trend varies by US Census Region