II: Automating Data Retrieval in Reproducible Report

In Data Wrangling IV we discussed a wide range of automated data retrieval methods.

For this extra credit, you simply need to successfully use some form of automated data retrieval in your final project.

As a reminder, here a few of the methods we covered in class

But that isn’t the limit, there are countless packages, APIs, and other tools to automatically download data

We aren’t providing much instruction here, as the purpose of this assignment is to push you a little into playing with resources you find in the wild! There’s a lot of documentation out there for these tools, and it’s a useful skill to be able to use it.

To get complete this extra credit, utilize automatic data retrieval in your final reproducible report (i.e., we shouldn’t need to go and download your data files).

Hint: If you use an extra script, you either to want to source() the .R script from your .qmd script, or, provide clear instructions on when to run it

Your submission for this extra credit is your final project, no additional submission required. Good faith efforts (as determined by the instructor) at extra credit assignments will earn full credit if submitted on time.